Baseband & Broadband, network adapter

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Baseband 是一種傳輸通訊技術,

在電線或光纖電纜上傳送訊號時直接以數位式訊號送出,而不用經過調變 (modulation) 的動作,頻寬通常低於 T1 (1.544 Mbps) 或 E1 (2.048 Mbps) ,高於此數值的則稱為broadband。


Network Adapter
   what is a network adapter?

In a computer network, each machine must have a network card installed to communicate with the network router. The router directs traffic on the local network and also handles requests made to the Internet, and subsequent responses. The network card in each machine must support the same protocols as the network router so that all devices are speaking the same language. A network adapter can substitute for an internal network card when a card is not present, or when the internal card does not support the required standard.
There are two basic types of networks: wired and wireless. Network adapters are made for both types of networks, with more variety among the wireless flavor as there are different types of wireless networks.
A network adapter made for a wired connection is a small USB dongle that features an Ethernetport. Ethernet cabling connects computers in wired networks, with the RJ45 Ethernet portresembling a standard RJ11 telephone jack on steroids. The adapter might come with software, though most modern operating systems will recognize a USB network adapter and apply the proper drivers upon detection of the device. Once recognized by the system, the external network adapter can be used to connect the computer to the network by running an Ethernet cable from the router to the network adapter.

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