[php] CodeIgniter Tutorial

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  1. Root documetaryC:\AppServ\www, 也就是說專案都要放在這開發(當然也可以修改)  這裡使用code igniter 當作framework開發, 採用MVC model開發的好處就是只要動到 model, view, controller。最簡單的就是把一個test.html檔放在此資料夾, 然後網址打http://localhost/test 即可,然後用php去做此html中的各個元件的操作(或與資料庫互動)  比如說msg_board, 網頁要開http://localhost/msg_board/index.php/msg_board 就可瀏覽。接著,在phpmyadmin裡面先建一個database叫做msg_board,才可做連結

  1. ./application/config/database.php 要修改 username, password, database 才能在自己的 phpmyadmin 運行

  1. 值得一看:程式流程圖, MVC Model

     4. 靜態頁面

  1. controller class
若在 application/controllers/pages.php  建置
class Pages extends CI_Controller {
public function view($page = 'home'){
則表示我們建了pages這個controller,其中有一個view method(function)
view中要使用controller這個superclass,就用 $this

  1. 建了template資料夾後,再分別建立 header.php footer.php
  2. 實作Controller的動作:載入 header, page, footer
  1. 執行網址 http://example.com/[controller-class]/[controller-method]/[arguments
pages這個controller下有個function view()e.g. http://localhost/CI_Tutorial/index.php/pages/view/about
routing: 但是透過調整 application/config/routes.php
$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';
$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';


  1. phpMyAdmin 對資料庫下 SQL 指令
  2. 建立Active Record 類別
  3. Display the news
    1. Load model
    2. $slug  variable is passed to the model's method
    3. each news item is looped and displayed to the user.
  4. Controller(news.php), load view
  5. View(index.php:版面, view.php:動態新聞): controller(news.php)新增indexviewfunction 
  6. Routing, 記得在./application/config/database.php 要修改 username, password, database
-> http://localhost/CI_Tutorial/index.php/news會秀出所有news資料表裡的資料

7. 動態新增新聞

  1. formview(create.php)
  2. form_open() function and the validation_errors() function
  3. controller(news.php)新增createfunction
  4. model中新增set_newsmethod(function)
use the Active Record class to insert the information and use the input library to get the posted data
routing -> http://localhost/CI_Tutorial/index.php/news/create

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